Fairy Penguins

2 to 2.5 years old

Our Fairy Penguins room is dedicated to young children aged between 2 years of age and 2.5 years of age. Our classroom is set up for children to explore, learn and play alongside their peers.

The educational program runs a morning and afternoon program. Each play room has a familiar and predictable routine that includes active play times, meal times, nappy changing time and a sleep routine. Children are supported and encouraged to grow strong healthy bodies and a love for learning. Every child will take a unique path to their learning and development. Our educators are passionate about early childhood and have a love for educating children. They are bright happy inspiring people who have been handpicked to work with toddlers because of their experience.

Each day your child will have many learning opportunities to engage with their educators and other children. As children progress through their development, they begin to play for longer periods of time. At this age children are beginning to use language to communicate with others.

At this age children will participate in weekly science experiments, pasting and painting activities, board games, learning to roll the dice, taking turns and use language skills. They will be learning rhyming finger songs which help to stimulate neuron connections in their brain. The play area will be set up to include a home area with dolls, tea set, dress ups and prams. The play area also has a large comfy mat with soft cushions, cupboards that house a variety of different sized wooden blocks, people, cylinders, cars and trucks.

Families are encouraged to be involved with their child’s learning and development and to contribute to the enhancement of the educational program. Families have opportunities to be involved by spending time with their children during a session, sharing special skills, attend special family events and attending excursions.

Our beautiful outdoor gardens are a great place for young children to run, jump, sing and explore. The sand pit is situated in a quiet area in the yard so that young children can dig, manipulate and make food with the sand. The area has bikes, prams, painting and climbing equipment to keep our bright children happy and engaged in learning. .

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Collard's Childcare & Kindergarten - Mill Park