Koalas Room

13 months to 2 yeras old

Our Koala classroom has been designed for toddlers ages between 14 months and 2 years old. The room is a warm and inviting learning space for growing toddlers to grow and develop. The educational program is based on our STEAM Educational Program.

The STEAM program runs a morning and afternoon program. Giving children the opportunity to learn new exciting things every day. Each play room has a familiar and predictable routine that includes active play times, meal times, outdoor play time, nappy changing time and a sleep routine. The children go outside in all weather conditions as we have large undercover play spaces which include a sand pit.

Our educators are bright happy inspiring people who have been handpicked to work with toddlers because of their experience and specialised training in early childhood development.

Each day your child will have many learning opportunities to engage with their educators and other children. As children progress through their development they begin to play for longer periods of time at an activity. At this age children are beginning to use language to communicate with others and express their needs.

Our chef prepares good wholesome fresh food to fuel growing bodies. Young children need good nutrition, plenty of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables & water. We have a 4 week rotating menu which is changed every season through out the year.

At this age children will be playing with musical instruments, standing at a table and playing play dough, learning how to squeeze and manipulate the dough in their hands. They will be painting, using strokes to make marking on paper. They will be learning rhyming finger songs which help to stimulate neuron connections in their brain. The play area will be set up to include a home area with dolls, tea sets, dress ups and prams for pretend play. The play area also has a large comfy mat with soft cushions, cupboards that house a variety of different sized wooden blocks, people, cylinder and cars and trucks.

The library is situated in a quiet area in the room. From time to time children need quiet areas to withdraw and listen to a story or simply have some time to play. Children will be taken on daily outings in the local community, (4 seated prams) enabling children to make connections within their community and extend their wellbeing. The children in the Koala room enjoy weekly excursions to the Mill Park library. Where they listen to the story time and our educators sit in a quite area and read books to the children.

Our beautiful outdoor gardens are a great place for young children to run, jump, sing and explore. The sand pit is situated in a quiet area in the yard so that young children can dig, manipulate and make food with the sand. The area has bikes, prams, painting and climbing equipment to keep our bright children happy and engaged in learning.

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